Building Tomorrow
@ the Edge

Humans are creators… & just as no two humans are alike, no two devices they create, or the environment they exist in, are alike! Consequently, each device has [& deserves] its own identity...and an ecosystem that enables an adaptive system of interactive experience between man & machine is the future.

TinkerBloX is born out of the ambition to curate and orchestrate this world of adaptive systems of devices, sustainably… a world that empowers devices to rise above the clouds…

A world at the edge of tomorrow!

karthik ‘G.K.’

Chief Executive Officer

IoT visionary  |  Magician at scaling business  | Great party host | Avid boxer | Doting father  |  Confused husband …

Sequencing Our DNA…

@ TinkerBloX, each day is a step towards curating the connected device habitat that helps you realize “true real-time” efficiency for your operations. Our AI + IoT building blocks empower enterprises to experience the cause & effect continuum at the actual site of action…the Edge ! & as such, it is in our DNA to deliver Device-Native-AIoT in configurable plug-&-play blocks that are sustainable by design and will always give you the edge…

If you are as excited as we are at the prospect of a truly Phygital world driven by device-centric experience & the servitization economy, check out our transformation blocks…

SandBlox | EdgeBlox  | ServBlox

anoop ‘A.B.C’

Chief Edge-er

AIoT evangelist  |  the “big picture” guy  | ardent foodie |  tourist by profession | mostly single …

Believe in the edge…

To build a new world of autonomous device ecosystems…
To work tirelessly on the belief that true distributed intelligence is possible at the edge…
To orchestrate a truly seamless experience that enables interaction between every device and its human…

and to do all this while driving home tangible business outcomes for our clients & partners every step of the way…sustainably…

…That is the purpose of TinkerBloX

karthik ‘IR’

Chief Builder

digital geek  |  nurtures great teams  | coffee connoisseur  |  chef crafting the perfect recipes - both food & software

We’ve got “just” what you need...

The world has fooled us into thinking that we need to pick from what’s available, and live with it…just accept the shortcomings…pay for features we’d never use…be happy with the half-baked outcomes…because “that’s what you get” ! Not anymore…
@ TinkerBloX, we’ve made it our mission to enable businesses with the power of tech with full freedom to build the solution exactly as you’d want to; & a full set of services from consulting to implementation to ensure you get nothing short of your desired outcome!

& for our focus verticals, this comes with our promise for Value-Of-Investment : a promise of needing to spend on only what you need; a promise of outcomes from pilot → scale → service delivery aaS

Check out our Super BloX :
Smart Spaces | Smart Devices  | Smart Utilities | Smart Industry

Values we live by…

A new world needs to update to some new values while at the same time holding on to some traditional ones… Here’s what we live by through thick & thin…

values we live by